Fire Suppression Systems
If your business relies on sensitive electronic equipment in order to operate, the water from a fire sprinkler system can do as much damage as a fire itself! For businesses like these, fire sprinkler systems are not an option – which is why Fire and Safety Technicians offers fire suppression system services to our customers. Our fire suppression systems react quickly to fires, suppressing them to minimize damage, clean-up and business downtime. Fire suppression systems are designed to protect things like financial records, data storage and data rooms, industrial equipment, health care records, collectibles, historical sites and more.
Spray Booth Systems
If you own a spray paint or auto body shop in the Las Vegas or surrounding Valley area, your work environment is full of highly flammable liquids. In an area constantly exposed to fumes, chemicals, spills, and leaks, fire is always a threat in a commercial spray paint booth or auto body shop. Semi-Annual inspection and testing help insure that your system will activate in the event of such an emergency. We offer fire suppression system installation, inspection, testing and maintenance services for all types of commercial spray paint booths and auto body shops. How protected are your employees, customers, and property from the threat of a fire? Let our team of highly trained technicians keep your system working properly.
Kitchen Suppression Systems
Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems are essential for controlling fires in one of the most at-risk places in a building. Semi-annual service is vital to ensure that all cooking equipment is adequately covered and that the system will operate in the event of a fire. Fire and Safety Technicians kitchen fire suppression service maintains your system so it acts as it was designed to; effectively, reliably and in compliance with State adopted NFPA and UL 300 standards.
Clean Agent Systems
Imagine your company’s valuable data, equipment and systems lost to fire. How many enterprises, businesses and customers would be negatively impacted if your equipment or network were to go down? And how quickly could you get back on line if at all? Even one day of fire-related downtime can mean lost revenues, customers and profits. Basic water type fire sprinkler systems can cause even more damage than the fire itself. Gaseous clean agent fire suppression systems have long been the answer to protecting high-end equipment, electronics and irreplaceable items from fire and the damaging effects of water. FASTEC Fire Protection's team of highly trained technicians can help install, test, or repair your valuable halon, Fm 200 or Co2 system.
Vehicle Suppression Systems
The first vehicle fire suppression systems were invented and introduced in the 1960’s. Since then, as mobile equipment has grown in size and complexity, so have these systems. Engineers and chemists have jointly developed a new generation of fire detection and suppression products including Non-Road Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems, Automatic Fire Suppression Systems, LVS Liquid Agent Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems, Triple IR Detection and Twin-Agent Suppressing/Cooling Technology. These systems provide fast, reliable fire protection for occupied and non-occupied areas in a wide range of vehicle platforms with some systems offering suppression and cooling together in one instant step.
Your Suppression Systems protect a variety of off-road vehicles, in industries ranging from mining and solid waste handling to forestry equipment and agricultural vehicles. Proper maintenance and testing of these systems are crucial to the safety of your operators and satisfy even the most stringent OSHA requirements. Each of our Fire Suppression Technicians are trained on how to effectively test and maintain every type of system in use to help protect your employee's lives and your multi-million dollar pieces of heavy equipment.
....Contact us for more info on our Fire Suppression System Installation, Repair & Testing Services.