Fire Hydrant and Standpipe Systems
Having the ability to operate valves at a moment’s notice is extremely important. In an emergency, entire sections of a distribution system may need to be shut down or opened up immediately. However, if a valve is not used over a period of time it can seize-up from corrosion and/or silt, resulting in an inoperable valve. Inspecting and exercising valves at NFPA required frequencies gives you an accurate representation of the systems current water distribution and pressures by detecting closed valves or wall deposits, and shows if the valves are operating as they were designed to. An effective inspections and testing program will help to identify these possible issues and prevent damage to property and injury to the public. Our annual and 5 Year inspections and testing ensure the hydrant or standpipe is in an operating condition free of physical damage and is capable of providing continuous delivery for required fire protection demands during emergency situations.
Fire Hydrant Systems
From the moment a fire hydrant is installed, it begins to rust. In time, the caps may rust so tight they cannot be removed. Valves and joints develop blistering and pitting to the point of becoming unusable. This is often referred to as being "galded." Hydrants in this condition can be very difficult to open, or even contain parts so corroded as to make using them under pressure a danger. To avoid this, proper maintenance and inspections should be performed as per NFPA standards. An annual flushing of the system helps reduce the amount of build up and bring to attention any repairs that may need to happen to the hydrant in order for it to be an effective system in extinguishing a fire.
Along with fire hydrant inspections, the 5 year fire hydrant flow testing provides necessary field information so water department planners and the fire department can accurately estimate the capabilities of water mains. Water main and hydrant flow capabilities impact decisions as to what fire protection and fire resistance features are required for new developments and where priorities should be placed with respect to upgrading older, smaller water mains. Water systems are constantly being impacted by improvements, deterioration, changes in usage, and even water department maintenance activities which may affect zone valve settings. As a result it is important to annually test all your fire hydrants to determine what their capabilities would be in an emergency and to verify they are in peak operating condition. Another important reason for 5 year fire flow testing, flushing, and inspections is that having these functions performed on a regular basis can help save lives and limit your liability by keeping you current with NFPA standards.
Standpipe Systems
One of the oldest and most effective systems in extinguishing fires is a standpipe system. A standpipe is a system of pipes with Fire Hose connections that are dry (empty) or that hold water in order to fight a fire. The taller the building, the more water and pressure is needed to be pumped up the standpipe. In order for any standpipe system to continue operating properly all standpipe systems should receive the following tests that meet all regulatory standards of the NFPA, as well as the State and local fire departments:
Air Tests
Hydro-static Tests
Flow Tests
Gauge Tests
On-site Water Supply testing
5 Year Obstruction Inspections
During our testing we will also inspect all sway bracing, hangers and signs of corrosion to insure that the system is in proper working condition. At FASTEC Fire Protection we have a knowledgeable and experienced staff with the resources and technical skills to perform these services for you no matter what size of system you may have in your facility.
....Contact us for more info on our Fire Hydrant or Standpipe Installation, Repair & Testing Services.